Our Story

Church and School History

Pastor Frederick Meuschke, 1920-1921

Shortly after the end of World War I several Lutheran families arranged to meet weekly for worship services in Williams Funeral Home in Norfolk. On May 30, 1920 the church was organized by 10 men signing the original constitution (no voting rights for the congregation’s women in those days).  Since that day also happened to be Trinity Sunday in the church calendar, Trinity became the name of the congregation. On December 20th, Rev. Frederick Meuschke was installed as our first pastor.

Pastor, Rev. Louis J. Roehm, 1921-1931.

During his service, the church purchased a house and lot on 34th and Omohundro Ave. in Norfolk in 1921 at a cost of $17,000.  This home served as a parsonage and place of worship. After five months, Pastor Meuschke accepted a call to Long Island and Pastor Roehm was installed on July 10, 1921. On July 17, 1921 the Sunday School was organized with an enrollment of 8. On September 29, 1921 the first choir was organized.

On February 14, 1923, construction began on a small chapel on the lot next to the parsonage. The church building was dedicated at 200 W. 34th Street on April 7, 1923. The cost of the chapel was $1,800 of which $1,200 was contributed by members and $600 was received from fellow Lutherans, mainly from Bethlehem Church in Richmond. It served as the primary location for services through 1945. The pulpit and altar were contributed by St. James Church in Overland, MD. On May 16, 1923 the Ladies Aid Society was organized.

Between 1923 and 1931 there was a decline in membership and the Ladies Aid Society and Youth Group were discontinued.

In October 1928, Pastor Roehm began work in the growing city of Hopewell, VA and this resulted in the birth of Nazareth Lutheran Church.

Pastor Roehm received a call in 1931 from St. Mathews Church in Hudson, NY.  In October 1931, Candidate Paul Plawin arrived to fill the vacancy.

Rev. Paul A. Plawin, 1931-1966.

On February 28, 1932 Pastor Paul Plawinwas installed.  The Ladies Aid Society and Sunday School were reestablished. Pastor Plawin continued along with the help of Trinity member, Mr. John Ernst Wunnenberg, to serve the Hopewell mission until 1938 when a building was completed.

In 1935 the Youth Group was reestablished.

In December 1939, Pastor Plawin began to hold services in the Wythe Community Hall in Hampton to accommodate those living on that side of Hampton Roads.  As a result, Emmanuel Lutheran Church was established.

Under Pastor Plawin, a majority of Trinity’s construction projects took place, beginning with the purchase of the current church site at Granby and West Belvedere in May, 1940 at a cost of $2200.  However, as it was wartime and there was a scarcity of building materials, and problems obtaining funds from District, the building was not started until 1944.

1942-1943 – Redeemer Lutheran Church in Portsmouth was sponsored and served by Trinity. In Sept., 1944, construction began on the main building and it was completed one year later.

A dedication of the new building was held on September 9, 1945. The cost of the building plus furnishings was $60,000. Also in 1945, the school’s kindergarten was organized. Daily sessions for 5 year olds began under the direction of Pastor Plawin. $1 per week was charged to help cover materials. 28 children made up the first Kindergarten class. The staff was made up of women from the congregation under the guidance of Pastor Plawin who offered religious instruction every morning. Transportation was provided by Pastor Plawin and some parents. Three-four year old groups were added later in the year.

Nov 11, 1945- The church celebrated its 25th year in existence.

In 1947 small salaries were offered to teachers who served every day during the 47-48 school year.  Several women who drove station wagons were hired to provide transportation.

In 1948 the old parsonage was sold for $11,000 and a new parsonage was built on W. Belvedere Road at a cost of $18,000.

1950- Mrs. Helen Everett joined the school staff as head teacher under the direct supervision of Pastor and Principal Plawin.

April 27, 1952- Pastor Plawin has a dedication service for the breaking ground on the new education wing of the building.  Belvedere Hall and the North Transept were dedicated at a cost of $60,000. 

1952 - Current stain glass window in sanctuary above the altar was made.

1952 - Faith (now Unity) Lutheran was sponsored and served by Trinity.

1953 - Trinity assisted in establishing Christ Lutheran Church on Military Highway.

1954 - The South transcept was added at a cost of $6,000.  Trinity Lutheran School has 135 students.  The Sunday School has an enrollment of 463.  The Baptized membership stands at 730.

1956 - The property on the corner of South Ridgely and Granby was purchased ($25,000) for a parking lot. Trinity was air conditioned at a cost of $13,600.

1960- The church was celebrating its 40th year. The school had an enrollemnt of 130 students.  Sunday School enrollemnt was at 473. The Baptized membership was now at 853.

1961 – Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Virginia Beach was sponsored and served by Trinity.

May 19, 1963- The new educational building/annex had been finished for a cost of $290,000 and was dedicated at this time. At this time the school consisted of three 5 year old groups, one 4 year old group, and one 3 year old group. In September they added the first 1st grade class consisting of 27 students. A new pipe organ was built by Mr. Wetzel of Charlottesville, VA and was dedicated in May 1963.

1963 – Five acres of land in the Great Bridge area was donated by Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Kilian to the Southeastern District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod s a site for the opening of a new Lutheran Church.

October 24, 1966- Pastor Plawin was called to his eternal home and Trinity was served by several area chaplains. Mrs. Helen Everett became acting Principal. At this time the school was 21 years in existence.  The parsonage was sold to Mrs. Gladys Plawin.  The Sunday School has an enrollment of 379. The school has an enrollement of 200.

Rev. William M. Bliese, 1967-1973

In August 1967, Pastor Bliese accepted the call.

1968- Helen Everett resigned and Mrs. Jane Upton was elected to be acting Principal. The first second grade was started this year by Cindy Claxson.

1969- George Weissinger was called to be a teacher and acting principal, teaching a combined class consisting of the first and second grades. The school year began with 212 students (160 in preschool/kindergarten and 52 in 1st/2nd grade).

1970- The first third grade class was started. The school was celebrating 25 years in existence.

1971- Mr. Weissinger resigned and Pastor Bliese assumed the duties of Principal for the 71/72 school year. The school had 188 students that year (106 in preschool/kindergarten and 82 in 1st/2nd grade).

1972 - 157 children are using transportation services,

1973- Mrs. Sharyn Leiding began the school's first hot lunch program

1974- Pastor Bliese left Trinity and Pastor Arthur Meyer was installed on February 3rd.

Rev. Arthur W. Meyer, 1974-1985

1975 - Mrs. Jane Miller joined the faculty.

1976 – Hope Lutheran Church in Virginia Beach was sponsored and served by Trinity. One grade teacher resigns and was not replaced due to finances.  1st and 2nd grades are again combined. 

1977- Mrs. Jane Miller became the Head teacher for the grades and Mrs. Gladys Plawin became Head teacher of the Preschool and Kindergarten classes. Mrs. Plawin had been the volunteer church secretary and had served as teacher of the four year old group for 26 years from 1955-1982 when she retired. Finance & Registration Secretaries, Mrs. Carolyn Powell, assumes as teacher of Kindergarten & Treasurer; Mrs. Ellen Wagner & Mrs. Edna Osborne retired after 30 years of service to Lutheran Schools.

1978 - No combination classes were held during 78-79 school session.  There was a noticeable drop in enrollment for 4 year olds due to a new Public School program.  One kindergarten class was dropped.

1979 - Policy was adopted to limit Pre-school classes to 20 students each and Kindergarten classes to 25 students each.  In June the church mortgage was paid off.

1980- A second kindergarten class was added due to such a spike in enrollment.

1981- A second first grade teacher was hired.

1981 – Grace by the Sea Lutheran Church in Nags Head, NC was sponsored and served by Trinity.

1985 – In February, Pastor Meyer accepted a call to International Lutheran School in Seoul, Korea.  In June, PastorMeyer  officiated his last service at Trinity and Navy Chaplain Al Kirk serves as inerim.

Rev. Daniel H. Quiram, 1986-1997

Pastor Quiram was installed on February 6, 1986.

1986- The first 4th grade class was added. 

1987- The first 5th grade class was added with the first graduation of the 5th grade in the spring of 1988.

Aug 1988- Mr. Gary Dresser accepted the call to be the first full time Principal-DCE (with no teacher duties) and the first school secretary was hired.

1989 - On August 25th the playground is added on the property.

Fall 1990- The first extended care was offered with a before and after school program. Mrs. Sharon Knorr was the directress and set up this program. On August 13th the property at 107 S. Ridgeley was purchased for $135,165.

Summer of 1991- Mr. Dresser was called to Connecticut as a Day School Principal andwas replaced by Mr. Scott Zielske.For the school year 1991/92 they did not have a 5th grade class because of decreased enrollment.

Fall 1992- The fifth grade was added back, the extended care began to grow in numbers. This year they also added a full day kindergarten program with the half day program continuing. This year they also added a full day 4 year old program. A module was purchased for extended care (total cost $20,888, covered by a SED loan for $20,600). The library moved to the south transept and a part time librarian was added to the faculty.

1993 - A second 1st grade class was added. On February 14th the Principal/DCE position was renamed Minister of Education and Scott Zielske was called to fill this position. On June 1st use of the extended care module was discontinued due to community objections and subsequent lawsuit.

1995- Trinity Lutheran Church celebrated its 75th anniversary and the school celebrated its 50th year. Church/school began participating in the Grand Illumination Parade in Norfolk.

1997 - On June 1st Rev. Dan Quiram left to accept a call to Calvary Lutheran Church, Baltimore, MD.

Rev. James P. O’Connor, 1998-2009

1998 - On July 26th Rev. James O'Connor was installed as pastor.

1999 - On July 31st Scott Zielske departs to accept a call to Peace Lutheran Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.  Jane Miller becomes Head Teacher.

2000 - On October 20th Trinity holds its First Annual Bach Organ Festival.

2002- In June Mrs. Jane Miller retired from 1st grade after 27 years at Trinity Lutheran School. Mrs. Sykes becomes the School Administrator after being one of the head teachers. In November, Mr. Lee Hendricks leaves after 25 years as Music Director/Organist.

2003 - On July 13th Mr. Kai Lin joins the staff at Trinity as Music Director/Organist.

Sept 18, 2003- Hurricane Isabel took down two huge trees that hovered over the front walkway at Trinity. The trees fell towards the front of the church and missed damaging the building by inches. The church and school thanked God for the protection of the building.

2006 - On March 12th Mrs. Melissa Hales is commissioned as Minister of Education. On October 28th Trinity held its First Annual Oktoberfest Celebration.

2009 - In February the Angel sculptures created from the downed tree trunks were installed and dedicated. On March 8th Mrs. Judy Plawin Sykes was commissioned as Minister of Education.  On April 5th Rev. James O'Connor officiated his last Sunday in the pulpit. His retirement was effective April 15th.

Rev. David W. Smith 2010-2013

Sept 2010 - Marks the 65th anniversary of Trinity Lutheran School.

2010 - On November 28th Rev. David Smith was installed as pastor.

Community Garden is created by Pastor Smith and members of the congregation. The ODU Ministry is started by Pastor Smith.

2013 - On March 27th Pastor Smith was arrested. On April 5th Pastor Smith resigns as pastor.


Rev. Daniel H Quiram, IIP 2013- 2014     

2013 - On June 2nd Rev. Daniel Quiram was installed as Intentional Interim Pastor.  Pastor Quiram leads us thru a transition phase as re-examine the mission and vision of Trinity in preparation to call a new pastor to Trinity.

2014 - On November 30th Rev. Daniel Quiram leaves. In December Rev. Charles Froehlich becomes the Vacancy Pastor.  Rev. Dennis Rhoads and Chaplain Matthew Prince fill in when Pastor Froehlich is not available.

2015 - On July 12th, with a unanimous recommendation from the Church Council, the congregation voted to close the school due to low enrollment. Mrs. Sykes retires as TLS administrator.

We offer our gratitude and thankfulness to the wonderful teachers and staff who have been so devoted to the school over these many years.  We would like to thank our students and their parents who have also shown their support over the years.  As we move forward with the ministry of Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church we have faith that God will help lead us to be able to re-open at a future date. Please keep the TLS staff and the future of TLS in your prayers.

Rev. Jonanthan Meraz - 2016 - 2021

2016 - On January 31st Pastor Meraz is installed as pastor of Trinity.

2020 - Trinity celebrates our 100th Anniversary!  The Coronavirus Pandemic hits the United States in March.  All anniversary celebrations are postponed. Church services were not held from March 15th thru May 17th. 

Sunday service resumes on May 24th with mask and social distancing restrictions in place.  Services are recorded and placed on our website, Trinity's Facebook page and Trinity's YouTube page.

October 2020 - With Covid restrictions still in place our Oktoberfest Luncheon was canceled.  The LWML sponsored a fundraiser and took orders for a take home dinner of bratwurst or hotdogs, German potato salad or Southern potato salad. baked beans, sauerkraut and a cookie.  It was a huge success with 69 dinners prepared and netted a profit of $470 towards LWML missions.

June 6, 2021 - Praising the Lord for over 100 years of Grace – Today our Trinity family celebrates the 101st Anniversary of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. 

December 31, 2021 -  Pastor Meraz retired. 


January 2022 - July 2024

Trinity was served by a team of Vacancy Pastors -                                                                                                             Pastor Charles Froehlich - January 2022 to June 2022                                                                                                       Chaplain Matthew Prince - January 2022 to July 2024                                                                                                                     Pastor Timothy Utton - January 2022 to June 2024


Rev. James "Matt" Doebler - July 2024 -

2024 - On July 13, 2024 Pastor Doebler is ordained and installed as pastor of Trinity.


Trinity focuses on preaching and teaching Christ crucified to the entire Hampton Roads community. We have a special emphasis in serving the community and ministering to military personnel and their families.

