Our Ministry Team

Meet the staff who serve the ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church 

Pastor - Rev. Matt Doebler   


Pastor Doebler was ordained and installed as our pastor in July 2024.  He is a graduate of Concordia Seminary St. Louis (M. Div.), George Mason University (M.A. English), and Liberty University (Bach.).  In a previous career, Pastor Doebler was a high school English and Film Studies teacher near Chattanooga, TN.  He has been married to Natalie for over twenty years (2003) and they have two children, Jack (2005) and Chloe (2007).  On an off-day, you may find Pastor Doebler smoking ribs in his backyard or kayaking the local waterways.

Director of Music - Jana Kuenzli 
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Jana Kuenzli was named Music Director in January of 2024. 




Church Secretary -  Anne Combes


Anne was born in Norfolk, VA  and is a life-long resident of the Tidewater area.  She has been a Lutheran Parish Secretary for over 29 years and has been our Church Secretary for over 22 years.  Anne and her husband, Kevin, live in Norfolk and have two sons, one daughter and four granddaughters.  She has been a member of Trinity for 21 years.  Anne is extremely knowledgeable on all aspects of Trinity and is very willing to answer any questions you may have.  You may reach her at 757-489-2551 or tlc@trinitylutherannorfolk.org.



Sexton - Bill Sontag



Bill keeps our facility running smoothly.  He works closely with our Board of Church Properties to make sure everything is working properly.




Custodian - Mr. Antonio Tutt 



We are blessed to have Antonio and his  supportive family responsible for keeping our building clean.  He is always eager to please!


Bookkeeper - John Knickelbein
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Named as Volunteer Bookkeeper in 2024, John and his wife, Jan, have been members of Trinity since 2015.  They have a son, two daughters and 4 grandchildren. Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John served on the Milwaukee Police Department until his retirement in 2001.  After being full-time RVers for 11 years, they made the move to Virginia to be closer to their youngest daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.   John feels privileged to have served the Lord in several capacities at Trinity Lutheran Church since he and Jan have been members.

