Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church in Norfolk!

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family friendly liturgical Lutheran church in the heart of Hampton Roads that proclaims Christ to the Hampton Roads community and equips people to grow in faith.  We are located just minutes from the Naval Base, Old Dominion University and Downtown Norfolk.

Please join us on Sunday Mornings for 

Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.

Children's classes (Pre-K through 5th grade) are on a three-year journey through the Bible as they learn to love God's Word, how to pray, and sing the songs of our faith.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Youth (middle and high school) are engaged in a study of the faith that will teach them how to answer the tough questions/defend the faith.  They will also be guided in what it looks like to live out their faith in the various vocations that God has called them into.                                                                             Adults are studying the Book of Revelation.  Often, this final book of the Bible has been regarded as either too mysterious to understand or has been sensationalized by poor theology.  Yet, Revelation is actually intended to comfort us with the assurance that the crucified, risen, and ascended Christ is ruling and reigning over all of human history and that Christ is bringing all things to an end for the benefit of his Bride--the Church.

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Sunday School this weekend beginning at 9:00!  While many things about Sunday School will feel familiar, there will also be a few new routines.

Here are a few important details that we want you to be aware of:

  • Drop-off and Pick-up for the Children’s class (PreK—5th grade) will be in Belvedere Hall. At the beginning of the Sunday School hour, our teachers will guide the students from Belvedere Hall to their classroom.  At the end of the hour, the teachers will guide the students back to Belvedere for parent pick-up.
  • The Youth class (middle/high school) will meet in the Conference Room.
  • The Adult class will meet in the Sanctuary.

See you Sunday!

If you have children or youth (below age 18), then you can pre-register them for Sunday School by completing our registration form (one per child) and returning it to Lisa Otero.  You can find registration forms on the table in our welcome center or download them here

and Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.



We are a part of the Southeastern District (SED) of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) which is a regional district of the LCMS with 213 congregations and 87 school ministries. To learn more about the LCMS, please click on the cross above.  

Our Mission Statement

United in Christ we will proclaim the Gospel, administer the Sacraments, and provide Christian education to children and adults in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Services are streamed on Trinity's YouTube Channel:  


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