Who are we?

Welcome to Trinity!

We’re glad you’ve taken the time to get to know us and hope that you’ll join us for worship soon.

It’s your first time here. Where do I go? What can I expect?

Our parking lot is located on the north side of the building. There are two main entrances. One on the Granby Street side and one by the parking lot with a wheelchair ramp. Straight through either of those doors will take you to doors leading into the sanctuary for worship. Inside you will find a group of people who love God and care for one another. We sing hymns, say prayers and hear God’s word from the Bible read and preached. Our worship is guided by an easy to follow hymnal and bulletin. Folks here are more than happy to help you feel comfortable. A “cry room” with a live video feed of the service is available for parents of young children who are not comfortable sitting through the worship service. Helpful signs and people will be nearby to help you find whatever else you’re looking for. After service we gather in our "Welcome Center" for coffee, snacks and fellowship. Adult Bible Class is offered before service at 9:00 am.

Ok, so now that you’re inside it’s time to learn a little about the Trinity family.

We’re a liturgical Lutheran community. What does this mean?

Liturgical describes how we worship in a group setting. It means we worship together in a way that is very similar week to week and traces its history back to the early church and Old Testament times. There is a richness and depth in our style of worship that you won’t find in other places. Every part of the service carries a significant Biblical meaning. (Don’t worry - it’s all in English!) There are certain parts of the service, called Sacraments, where we recognize God’s real presence as He has promised, in our midst. 

Lutheran means we are followers of Christ who respect the historical practices of the church but always put scripture first. Our name comes from Martin Luther, a Christian in 16th century Europe who wanted to bring Christians back to a biblical understanding of God and worship. A more descriptive name would be “biblical-historical Christian.” Biblical because we hold scripture as the ultimate authority in our worship and practice. Historical because we recognize the validity and usefulness of the historical traditions of Christianity-insofar as they line up with scripture. Specifically, we’re part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, a body of churches that has a rich heritage of worldwide evangelism and human care.

Ok, that’s good to know, but what does this mean for me when I meet people at Trinity?

Great question! This means you will find people who see that God loves them-even when they’re not good enough. Which is all the time! People who see God active in their lives and are learning to trust the promises He has made to them.

This is lived out in lots of ways: a variety of weekly Bible studies and small groups, outreach to the military and community, receiving the gifts of God in worship, and service to our neighbors in need.

We hope to see you soon! If you have any questions, please contact us.



Who Are Lutherans?
Our beliefs come directly from the Bible and are organized around the principles of “Grace Alone,” ”Faith Alone,” and “Scripture Alone.”

This means we believe our salvation from the punishment of our sin is not based on anything we do, but solely on God’s grace. We believe that it is only through the faith that God creates in us that we are saved and not by any work. We believe that Scripture (the Old and New Testaments of the Bible) is the sole rule and norm for Christian doctrine.

Today, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod has more than 2.3 million baptized members in more than 6,100 congregations and more than 9,000 pastors.  Two seminaries and 10 colleges and universities operate under the auspices of the LCMS, and its congregations operate the largest Protestant parochial school system in America.

For more information on the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, please check out their website: http://www.lcms.org

“What does it mean for you to be part of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod?”

So asks the Rev. Dr. James A. Baneck in the introductory video of a new series, “Life Together as Synod,” produced by the LCMS. 

Baneck, executive director of the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education, goes on to explain that the purpose of the series is to 

“explore and discover the answer to this question.”



